Sunday, August 15, 2010

Blueprint For Wrestling Ring

Separate Ways The catcher

Blessed is he who sees the sky and horizon are to be sentenced to understand. Judicious is one who believes that there is no game you do not have to risk to win. Happiness is not all have, but find out how good it gives you. Go before sunrise an eagle or a hawk a legion of owls in training.
I will show you everything in this life you can have, if you manage to believe. And I will teach you to beat your enemy, not the other ... you, you! !
must fail and sometimes play back to see the light and appreciate this life. Happiness is not having any, but knowing how to bring good it gives you.
I'll sing you a lullaby and I clothe my voice and my breath on your sheets, the nightmares will go away.
And someday be fulfilled, all your dreams come true. And tomorrow will dawn. The catcher I'm

And someday be fulfilled. Dreamcatcher, cage pain. And tomorrow will dawn. The catcher I am.


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