once said Emilienko that the clinical sessions are a talk you give yourself, you do not have much idea mostly an issue, a lot of attachments, which do tend to be experts in it. Never could be better defined.
How to make a session? I could write many lines, and surely no one would agree, because we all have our own style. Some of us like to include little text and many photos and videos, and other people like to write more, because if it does not seem to subtract the matter seriously. What is desirable is to include a variety of articles (reviews and uptodate pubmed are a great option) and include the latest developments in treatments, and why not, a subject that arouses some controversy (that helps a lot to focus questions at the end of the talk) It is worth carrying a few pages of extra notes if you miss or need any further ask you something you've read, but do not remember. And make sure your presentation works on the computer that you are presenting.
Total, I have to prepare a couple of sessions next week. I'll tell you how I was
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