Friday, January 21, 2011

Put In Car Starter In Ct

love ... Pads

Sometimes we see on the web greatest creations, often we carry out our touch and style. Other times we see on the web great ideas, but are provided in other celebrations and ultimately we want to immediately develop the appropriate dates that need.

Well today we present a Valentine's card where the original idea was for a Christmas wreath. Our friend Teresa's Creative Ideas offers us transform it into a wreath for Valentine's Day, but we suggest you use it to decorate an original card in this day of love and friendship.

no doubt that this design gives a special touch to give an original card. For its preparation we use different designs Love Collection Texturarte you stand 1papel where double-sided printing for the base, 3 patterned papers and 2 of a view colored paper thin to the development of the bluestem, 1 recycled paper for the notes area, studs and the main thing is the sticker valentine.

Its design is simple that if you are interested in developing it I invite you to go to Creative Ideas Blog where you'll find the tutorial. To roll the paper and make Popotillo thinner, used a popsicle stick to give the necessary thickness for the card and do not look very rough.

We set the arrangement and the central place the most outstanding feature of our card, sticker Valentine where he joined in red tulle to give better view. In the four corners will add the studs.

is always important to take care of many details, for this reason that we placed inside a piece of blank recycled paper so the person can write this nice thought. Recycled paper gives us the right texture and color to the overall design.

And finally a tiny detail that certainly can not miss, hearts.

So go ahead and let fly your imagination, combines these great ideas, create new things and see that the result will be satisfactory.

nice weekend!


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